Satoh LaboratoryResearchSmart Urban AglicultureRoom-type Hydroponic System

Room-type Hidroponic System

We collaborate with "Veranda Strawberry Farm", and our hydroponic grow system is developed based on their 3rd system. We developed compact hydroponic growing machines for a room or a balcony, and a raising seedling systems for nursery plants to put outdoor at the beginning of spring. The machines adopt DFT (Deep Flow Technique) but not aerial technique, which stores and circulates water in a pipe. The machines also use an air pump to supply air to roots of plants.

  • Hydroponic System Test Type
  • Collaborating with "Veranda Strawberry Farm", the test type system was developed by shrinking their 3rd machine. Strawberry and carry tomato are cultivated in this system.
       Making of Hydroponic System Test Type

  • Hydroponic System Type 2
  • A desk top version with a single water pipe based on a structure of the test type.
       Making of Hydroponics System Type 2

  • Hydroponic System Type 4
  • LEDs and fluorescent lamps for plant cultivation are used. Flower pots filled with peat moss are also used in addition to DFT for raising seedling.